Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Daytime Doll at Night

While the fourth of July saw my coastal area sitting comfortably in a cloud, the day before was beautiful. I'd finally managed to get some good writing done, as well as housework, and hungrily waited for the boy. I was pondering deserting for the nearby Mexican place when he called.

"It's beautiful. Do you want to go out and eat?"

"Sure, where?"

He named a cute little Caribbean place about one block up from the beach which I approved. He took a while getting home and we took a while finding parking and they took a while getting us the food. I'd had the idea of getting our food to-go and then eating on the beach, but with all the taking a while by the time we got out the sun was gone.

Not that that was a problem.

Pictures can't do the experience justice. The air was filled with the smell of salt and fish and sea and the sound of waves and water. We sat in the sand and talked about things both deep and trivial.

Afterwards we wandered over to the pier. I made noises at the boy and he got tickets for us to go on the ferris wheel. A girl, probably on summer break from the high school I went to, giggled with a night-time work-high as she explained the rules.

The best part is where you get stuck at the top while they unload the other riders. The perfect place to kiss.

Afterwards we walked to the end of the pier. By now it was very dark and the sea was impenetrable. Still, I imagined Japan on the other side while the boy told me about this Dr. Who episode he'd seen.

We walked back, leaving the pier and then the beach for the cat-filled comfort of our apartment. I look forward to many more warm evening nights.

1 comment:

Gina Black said...

Lovely, lovely writing. I'm there.