Friday, September 01, 2006

The Valium Song

On the first night of Valium the little pill gave to me dreams of squirming maggots in my worm bin that were terr-ri-fy-ing.

On the second night of Valium the little pill gave to me dreams of Eunny Jang having a party with me-e-e-e.

On the third night of Valium the little pill gave to me dreams that a giant gorilla was chasing me around the house to kill me and a bonus dream that I was meeting people on a bus trying to get to 11th and 2nd street and this man told me the bus I was going to take was bad.

I think tonight I will skip the Valium.

(I'm taking it for possible jaw-pain-teeth-gnashing issues)

(Yes, this song isn't very good)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what are you taking Valium for again ???